The EU Water Framework Directive: Beyond the analysis of the partial success

The chairman of the EEAC Working Group on Fresh Water Affairs launched today (12/7/2019) the mainline summary of the working group’s latest event, entitled ‘The EU Water Framework Directive: Beyond the analysis of the partial success’.

The mainline summary is structured along the lines of the three main themes (1. Funding, 2. Economic thinking and 3. A systemic approach). It includes an introduction (starting point of the debate) to each of the themes, a status report and a summary of suggested solutions to overcome the issues affecting the three main themes. At the end of the document, some preliminary recommendations are presented, with the aim of supporting discussions in the EEAC’s member councils on the topic of the implementation of the WFD, as well as its future.

The summary, and the preliminary recommendations contained within it, were drawn up by Jan Verheeke in his capacity as Chair of the EEAC Working Group on Fresh Water Affairs. They are not directly binding on the three speakers, the participants to this round-table session, nor to the advisory councils that are part of the EEAC Working Group on Fresh Water Affairs. However, Jan Verheeke stated that he sincerely hopes that the summary proves useful in some shape or form towards achieving the targets of the Water Framework Directive by 2027. Read More