An EEAC background paper: Economic instruments to enhance sustainable development

A consortium of advisory bodies – under the auspices of the National Council for Sustainable Development in Hungary (NFFT) drafted an EEAC background paper, entitled: ‘Economic instruments to enhance sustainable development’. This exploratory note was presented to the members of the EEAC Network on Tuesday January 26th 2021.

While having pledges, strategies and ambitions in place, the EU and its Member States still struggle to meet the SDGs and the related targets. This leaves Europe with a void. A void between ambitions and reality on the ground. In the EEAC explanatory note, the authors dedicate their attention to a specific issue that might play a role in this void: the use of economic instruments to enhance sustainable development. With the valuable inputs of five EEAC member bodies, the explanatory note touches upon the fundamental benefits of economic instruments to enhance sustainability.