Menno Ottens has been working as an advisor at the Netherlands Scientific Climate Council since April 2023. At the Climate Council, Menno is mainly occupied as an expert in governance and policy, behavioural change and public participation. The Netherlands Scientific Climate Council joined EEAC in 2023. Menno studied Public Administration at Erasmus University of Rotterdam and specializes in the functioning of policy networks or governance networks. In his graduation research, he investigated the democratic legitimacy of the Climate Agreement concluded in 2019. After his studies, Menno worked for four years at the Climate Directorate of the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. From there, he contributed to the first national Climate Plan, the development of the Climate Policy Dashboard, and research on public support and behavioural change in the transition. As part of the supporting secretariat, he also co-authored the advice of the independent Brenninkmeijer Commission on the use of citizens’ assemblies in climate change policy.