Towards a low-CO2 heat supply in the built environment

The energy transition in the built environment represents the biggest post-war renovation of the Netherlands’ building stock. The measures will extend behind the front door of practically every building in the country. This challenge was the reason for the Dutch Council for the Environment and Infrastructure to present it’s report ‘Warmly Recommended: ‘Towards a low-CO2 heat supply in the built environment’. The report is written from the perspective of the citizen and makes specific recommendations on measures that can be taken to accelerate the energy transition. The Council has investigated what needs to be done for a successful transition. What can be done to provide the certainty that the stakeholders require and to ensure that everyone concerned can and will do what is needed? In this advisory report the Council discusses the freedom of choice of property owners, the public responsibility for infrastructure and the allocation of costs. Read More

EEAC Annual Plan 2019

The EEAC Network aims to enrich the advice that individual advisory bodies can give to their governments and parliaments, to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and policymaking and to connect the work of the (sub)national councils and the European policy level with regard to the environment and sustainable development. To achieve this aims, the board of the EEAC Network presents a Plan on an annual basis. The Plan includes a framework for action; a list of thematic areas of common interest; proposed exchange activities and a tentative agenda. Read More