Letter on the promotion of international rail passenger transport endorsed by fellow advisory councils

Together with four other governmental advisory councils on sustainability and the environment, the Dutch Council on the Environment and Infrastructure (Rli) has written a letter to the European Commission on the promotion of international rail passenger transport. In recent months, an additional four advisory councils (from Ireland, Portugal, Germany and Hungary) have expressed their support and endorsed the letter. The letter and the list of endorsements can be found here

Internal EEAC Session: Towards an ambitious environmental policy in Germany and Europe, Part II

The German Advisory Council on the Environment (SRU) published its Environmental Report, entitled: “Towards an ambitious environmental policy in Germany and Europe” in of May 2020. With this Environmental Report, the SRU is addressing environmental policy topics that require urgent action. These topics include: climate policy, the circular economy, water protection, sustainable neighbourhood development, noise regulation, urban mobility and the future of EU environmental policy.

In a sequence of two online sessions, SRU experts presented and discussed with EEAC colleagues:

1. The future of EU environmental policies and climate policy
2. Circular economy and urban mobility.

The first online session was held on June 5th, World Environment Day. The second session took take place on Tuesday September 1st.

The PowerPoint slides accompanying the presentations given on September 1st can be  found here:

Active and environmentally friendly urban mobility: enabling change

Reducing traffic noise to improve health and quality of life

Circular Economy: From Rhetoric to Practice