Latest publications: The Annual Review

As set out in the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act 2015, a key task of the Climate Change Advisory Council in Ireland is to conduct an annual review of progress made over the previous year in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and furthering the transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient and sustainable economy and society by 2050. This is the Climate Change Advisory Council’s fourth Annual Review of progress on transition. Read More

New articles on Covid-19 & Sustainable Development

During the European Sustainable Development Week and Global Goals Week in September, EEAC member councils organized a variety of activities. Among others, a series of interesting articles was published that focused on the relation between the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

With a co-authored editorial by EEAC Chairman Arnau Queralt, and two articles by EEAC members and partners (Eeva Furman, Chair of the Expert Panel for Sustainable Development in Finland + Sandrine Dixon Decléve, Vice Chair Club of Rome, Elise Buckle,  Founder and President of Climate & Sustainability) an interesting light is shed on how systemic transformation for people, planet and prosperity might help us to emerge from emergency and how the Covid-19 pandemic is a test case to deal with broader sustainability deficiencies.

The articles were published in the IDEES Magazine. IDEES is the online magazine on contemporary issues edited by the Centre for Contemporary Studies an in-house think tank of the Government of Catalonia.