Latest publication: Building Blocks for a Low-Carbon Society

In the report Transition Towards 2030 – Building Blocks for a Low-Carbon Society – the Danish Council on Climate Change presents its proposal for a strategy that can help Denmark reach its 2030 target, taking into consideration its long-term goal of becoming a low-carbon society by 2050

In this year’s report the Danish Council on Climate Change has chosen to focus on the elements of transition that should form part of Denmark’s transition to a green economy towards 2030, as an important step on the road to becoming a low-carbon society by 2050.

Elements of transition here refer to transitions within production or consumption, which can function as building blocks in the effort to create a society that emits markedly less greenhouse gas. This may e.g. include the introduction of electric cars, biogasification of manure or energy renovation of buildings. In this report the Danish Council on Climate Change has explored the potential of 20 different elements of transition with a view to putting together a package of elements enabling Denmark to meet its 2030 target based on a set of clear criteria.

The main conclusions and recommendations in the third report from the Climate Council “Transition Towards 2030 –  Building Blocks for a Low-Carbon Society” can be found here.