Advisory councils continue their joint work on sustainable food systems

A group of thirteen advisory councils met digitally in the context of the EEAC Working Group on Ecosystem Services to discuss the need for a sustainable food systems framework at European level. The group met in December 2021 for the first time, and held its second convening on 26 January 2022. The group is scheduled to have an additional two or three workshops in 2022, which are expected to lead to the formulation of joint insights and preliminary recommendations regarding the establishment of a sustainable food systems framework at European level.

Planetary Health European Convening I

On 18 January 2022, the Planetary Health Alliance, in partnership with the EEAC Network, hosted the Planetary Health European Convening. Twenty-two organizations from nine countries across Europe attended, several of which represent many more countries in Europe and globally. Organizations representing a diverse array of sectors, including healthcare, universities, religious institutions, humanitarian groups, youth, policy, business, and civil society. There were numerous interesting areas discussed, ranging from education courses and degrees, research agendas and gaps, to planetary health communication, policy, advocacy, and movement building. A second meeting took place on 24 February 2022.

Planetary Health: European Convening

The Planetary Health Alliance, in partnership with the EEAC Network, hosted the Planetary Health European Convening on January 18th 2022. 22 organizations from 9 countries across Europe attended, several of which represent many more countries in Europe and globally. Organizations representing  a diverse array of sectors including healthcare, universities, religious institutions, humanitarian groups, youth, policy, business, and civil society joint. There were numerous interesting areas discussed, ranging from education courses and degrees; research agendas and gaps; to planetary health communication, policy, advocacy, and movement building. A next meeting is scheduled to take place in February 2022.


Advisory councils e-met to discuss sustainability priorities

A group of ten advisory councils – all members of the EEAC Network – e-met in the context of the EEAC Working Group on Sustainable Development to discuss sustainability priorities at EU level. The meeting was held as a prelude to a collegial exchange between the EEAC Network, the European Sustainable Development Network (ESDN), and representatives from the rotating EU Presidency and European Commission that took place on 2 February 2022.

EEAC Network sponsors Harvard’s Planetary Health Colloquium

The Havard School of Pubic Health organizes the Planetary Health Colloquium, co-sponsored by the Harvard Global Health Institute, the Planetary Health Alliance and the EEAC Network. The Seminars will be held on the first Wednesday of each month from  7pm to 8pm CET,  and will be held as an online event through the Zoom platform. Seminars are open to all Harvard and non-Harvard affiliated individuals. The next webinar is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, February 2nd, 2022. Read More

Executive summary: A Coastline on the edge

The coastline has been and still is an essential part of Catalonia, not only from the environ[1]mental, social and economic viewpoints, but also for cultural and historical reasons. However, the Catalan coast is standing at a tipping point. In its publication ‘A coastline on the edge” the Advisory Council for the Sustainable Development of Catalonia (CADS) provides Recommendations for integrated management of the Catalan coast. Read More

Latest study: Electrification of mobility

The Federal Council for Sustainable Development (FRDO-CFDD, Belgium) commissioned a study regarding the need for electrification of mobility in Belgium, and the related economic, social and environmental impacts. The study was carried out by CLIMACT on behalf of the FRDO-CFDD. The views expressed in this report are those of CLIMACT and do not necessarily reflect those of the members of the FRDO-CFDD. Read More