EEAC at the HLPF

Today marks the start of the 2023 High-Level Political Forum in New York. The EEAC network is represented by its national councils and its president Arnau Queralt Bassa travelling to speak at a range of events. Below are the two events the EEAC is cohosting this year.

On the 12th of July, Arnau will be speaking at an EEAC event cohosted with the European Sustainable Development Network (ESDN) titled: Experiences in Peer Learning in Achieving the2030 Agenda and the SDGs. This side event will focus on the contribution of peer learning for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. The ESDN has launched its Peer Learning in 2015, and they have become a core activity of the network. Partner organizations, such as our network and the International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD), and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), have also put in place their respective peer learning activities. This Side Event will seek to share collective experiences made over years of peer learning activities and how these can be improved upon. Youth Delegates from the ESDN Youth Network will also share their experiences in peer learning through the ESDN with other Youth Delegates from Europe.

12 July, 08:00 am, UNHQ, CR C

On the 18th of July, the EEAC is cohosting an event titled: Transformative potential of Continental Voluntary Reviews (VR): Peer-learning and experience sharing between Europe and Africa. This is an initiative by the German Council for Sustainable Development. This event aims to discuss the potential for supranational and regional actors to deliver voluntary reporting on Agenda 2030 and other continental agendas with the aim of strengthening regional cooperation for sustainable development. It aims to provide answers the following questions. How to foster more continental coherence through subnational sustainable development and in how far can VRs be helpful on this way? In what areas of the 2030 Agenda and the Agenda 2063 are supranational organizations important actors to deliver the SDGs? What are the connections and impulses of supranational VRs for the national delivery of the 2030 Agenda and, conversely, what are the effects of national strategy and reports on supranational organizations? What role do regional agendas, such as the European Green Deal and the 2063 Agenda of AU, play with regard to sustainable development and how can their interfaces with the 2030 Agenda lead to mutual acceleration? How can the HLPF serve as enabler for regional/supranational reporting and stimulating regional strategizing and delivery of sustainable development?

18th July, 2:45 pm at the Mission of the African Union

Both events are held live in New York. In case online participation becomes available, this will be shared on the website.