
Webinar Series 3 & 10 May: Sustainable Finance with experts on the CSDDD and the CRD

On the 3rd and the 10th of May, the EEAC is organising two high-level expert webinars on sustainable finance. After the success of last October’s webinar on the CSRD, we are back to delve into two directives of the European Union. Both proposals are currently in different stages of the legislative process.  At the same time, parliaments are discussing their impact and the consequences at national level. The FRDO-CFDD, the Rli and the RNE have invited two expert panels to shed a light on the current situation.


On the 3rd of May we will focus on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). The legislative proposal was presented 23 Feb 2022 and the institutional trilogue for the CSDDD should start mid-2023.  The proposed directive is addressed at Member States and will cover approximately 13.000 EU companies. MS will have to ensure that large companies conduct human rights and environmental diligence at the level of own operations, operations of their subsidiaries and value chain operations of entities with which the company has an established business relationship. The webinar focuses on Article 15 of the draft directive, which will require companies to also adopt a plan to ensure their business model and strategy are compatible with the objective of achieving climate neutrality by 2050.

This webinar aims at offering an overview on the obligation of companies to define and implement plans to ensure compatibility with the transition to a carbon neutral and sustainable economy in accordance with the latest developments of the CSDDD proposal. Beyond the implementation process, the panel of high-level experts will also address key issues such as possible supporting guidance and best practices, and the role of national initiatives to promote corporate climate commitments. Additionally, we will set out the challenges of the directive’s transposition by the Member States.

To take part in the webinar on May 3rd from 14:00- 15:30, please register here


  1. Opening words by the Moderator Jan VERHEEKE
  2. Presentation by Mr. Dan DIONISIE (DG JUST)
    • Mr. Dionisie will provide an overview of the key aspects of the CSDDD directive and focus on the obligation to adopt a transition plan (Art.15 of the proposal for a CSDDD). He will provide insights into the specific requirement regarding possible emission reduction objectives and how they can be included in corporate transition plans.
  3. Presentation by Ms.Anaïs BERTHIER (CLIENT EARTH)
    • Ms. Berthier will comment on the challenges and opportunities of Art.15 of the CSDDD proposal.
  4. Presentation by Mr.Günther THALLINGER (UN HLEG on the Net Zero Emissions Commitments)
    • Mr. Thallinger will present the recommendations from the UN High-Level Expert Group on the Net Zero Emissions Commitments of Non-State Entities and how they could be taken into account by Member States implementing Art.15 of the CSDDD proposal.
  5. Presentation by a Frederic HANS (New Climate Institute)
    • Mr. Hans will present the New Climate Institute Report titled our Corporate Climate Responsibility Monitor (CCRM), which looks at global companies across various economic sectors.
  6. Discussion and Q&A
  7. Closing words



On the 10th of May, we focus on the Capital Requirements Directive. For the CRD, the trilogue is in April. The European Banking Authority will have a strategic mandate because it will set up many crucial modalities of transition plans such as their content, criteria and their implementation. From the moment that these plans are to be integrated into Pillar 2 of the prudential regulation, it will open up possibilities for action and sanctions by the supervisory authorities, who check whether banks’ risk management processes and capitalisation match their risk profiles.

The EEAC has invited a panel of high-level experts to address which aspects need to be taken into account to ensure that the ambitious goals of the amendments to the CRD can actually be achieved.  The panel will zoom in on the main issues discussed in the trilogue . We will also look at the leeway of the European Banking Authority in the implementation process, and the possible risks and opportunities of its mandate. Finally, zooming in on a Dutch and an English example, the webinar also focuses on what we can learn from national initiatives of transition plans in the financial sector.

To take part in the webinar on May 10th from 14:00- 15:30, please register here


  1. Opening words by the Moderator Jan VERHEEKE
  1. Presentation by Mr. Thierry PHILIPPONNAT (Finance Watch & EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board)
    • Mr.Philipponnat will present the proposed amendments to the CRD regarding mandatory ESG transition plans in the banking sector: background, focus on financial stability and legislative process.
  1. Presentation by Ms. Anuschka HILKE (I4CE Institute for Climate Economics)
    • Ms.Hilke will set out her views on the conditions under which prudential transition plans could become a game changer for making financial flows consistent with the transition to climate neutrality.
  2. Presentation by Mr. James VACCARO (Climate Safe Lending Network – Delivery Group of the TPT)
    • Mr. Vaccaro  will give a presentation on the experience of the Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT) in the United Kingdom.
  3. Presentation by Ms. Gerdie KNIJP (Sustainable Finance Lab Nederland)
    • Ms. Knijp will give a presentation on the experience of the Klimaatcommitment in the Netherlands in the banking sector
  4. Discussion and Q&A
  5. Closing words



New Publication: Outlook 2023 of the Danish Council on Climate Change

The newly elected Danish government faces the major task of fulfilling the objectives of the Danish Climate Act and ensuring that Denmark can be a climate frontrunner that can inspire the rest of the world. In its annual status report, the Danish Council on Climate Change (DCCC) takes stock of Danish climate policy, assessing whether current policy efforts demonstrate that Denmark will meet its national climate targets and its EU obligations, e.g. the obligations under the newly agreed burden sharing agreement and the Regulation on land use, land use change and forestry (LULUCF). Finally, the report includes recommendations for policies and measures that the government should prioritise in the coming year.

Status Outlook 2023 – English Policy Brief

Denmark’s current national climate targets include a target of a 50-54 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 compared to 1990, a reduction of 70 percent by 2030 and climate neutrality no later than 2050.

The DCCC commends the government for outlining a strategy for how to meet the 70 percent target, but, overall, the Council assesses that the government has not yet demonstrated that the targets are likely to be met. This is mainly due to a significant risk that several of the elements in the government’s strategy will not deliver the expected reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. The Council also finds that even if national targets are met, this will not necessarily mean that Denmark also fulfils its new EU obligations. Most likely, Denmark needs to do more in the transport, agricultural and household sectors to also meet these obligations. Finally, the DCCC recommends that the coming year’s climate policy should focus on implementation of already agreed policies and measures and on addressing emissions from the agricultural sector.

EEAC Network welcomes new coordinator

The EEAC Network has a new coordinator. On the first of March, Fee Kirsch assumed her position in the Network. Her background is in Climate Policy and Transnational Governance. She holds a masters from the European University Institute in Florence. In 2021 she was first introduced to the Network while working for the German Sustainable Development Council. Since then, she has trained at the European Commission, working at DG CLIMA and volunteering at the We Are Tomorrow Global Partnership, a network of youth-led organisations campaigning for better climate policy and youth participation.

She replaces Michiel de Vries. Read more


EEAC Network policy debate: The way forward to a sustainable European food system

The EEAC Network and the Permanent Representation of the Netherlands to the EU organized a policy debate on the way forward to a sustainable European food system. Over 65 invited guest joined the session in Brussels on February 2nd 2023.

European society and its food system are facing a triple challenge, guaranteeing a healthy diet for all, mitigating and adapting to climate change, as well as protecting and restoring habitats for their biodiversity and ecosystems services. This triple challenge requires a systems approach. The Legislative Framework for sustainable food systems, which the European Commission has announced in the Farm to Fork strategy and is expected to adopt by the end of 2023, could provide a strong basis for the system approach. The ambition as well as the challenges to achieve a sustainable food system in the EU are vast and raise questions. How should the Legislative Framework best foster human and planetary health in a coherent and balanced approach between an agricultural supply policy, environmental policy and food (consumption) policy? And will the Legislative Framework direct the strong innovation capacity of actors away from ever lower food prices towards more sustainable farming, food processing and food consumption? Or how can a just transition be ensured?

The debate facilitated a a constructive and open exchange of views about the opportunities and challenges of transforming the European food system and the role that the EU legislative framework for sustainable food systems could play in this transformation. The Exchange was timely given that the European Commission is in the midst of preparing the EU legislative framework on a sustainable food system in the EU. It furthermore built upon the recently issued EEAC position paper on a sustainable food system in the EU. Read More 


Internal exchange among advisory councils

Although compositions, focus areas, and working methods among advisory councils that are member of the EEAC Network differ, the vast majority of councils faces challenges or has valuable lessons to share regarding matters such as collecting evidence, interacting with experts, policymakers and the general public, communication, ways of collaborating online, or regarding the structuring of council debates. In order to stimulate mutual exchange on ways of working and good practices that can contribute to improve the work and impact of EEAC member councils a series of online exchange session is scheduled to take place throughout 2023. A group of eleven advisory councils met online to exchange experiences and best practices with regard to the way in which advisory work is presented to policy makers and the wider audience. A next meeting in this series is scheduled to take place in March 2023.

EEAC Network welcomes newly elected board

The EEAC Network has elected a new board. During the EEAC’s Annual Plenary Session (APS), member councils elected four new board members, and renewed the mandate of the current Chair. Arnau Queralt Bassa (CADS) will stay on as Chair. Katalin Sipos (NFFT) and Jan Verheeke (Minaraad) will assume the role of vice-chairs. Julia Hertin (SRU) and Folmer de Haan (Rli) make up the rest of the board. The newly elected board started its duties on 1 January 2023. Read More

Internal policy briefing: Process & Outcomes: CBD COP15

Following the CBD COP15, SRU Council member Prof. Dr. Josef Settele gave a presentation on the process and outcomes of the Conference. Representatives of ten advisory councils from across the EU joined the internal EEAC session that took place on Thursday December 22nd 2022.

In prelude to CBD COP15, The EEAC Working Group on Ecosystem Services produced  observations, insights and recommendations on the draft post 2020 Framework for Biodiversity. Read More

New publication: National SDG Advisory Bodies calling to action

SDG advisory bodies from more than 20 countries gathered in Cape Town, South Africa, in the context of the Global Forum Network Meeting 2022. The Global Forum is a network of multi-stakeholder bodies that accelerates SDG delivery through sharing experiences and jointly visioning forward across national perspectives. The EEAC Network is an active member of the Forum.

During this Network Meeting a joint call to action was discussed. Following the meeting the German Advisory Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) drafted a meeting report, and finalized the call to action. In the call to action representatives of advisory bodies that are part of the Global Forum, called for all governments and national stakeholder groups to support the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres’s proposals in “Our Common Agenda”. They also called on all respective national governments and other stakeholders to take bold action, by taking concrete steps at both national and local level and bridging them with international tools and mechanisms. Read More

Chair and two experts of EEAC Network met with European Commission’s EVP Timmermans to discuss sustainable food systems

The Hague, 1 December 2022

The Chair of the EEAC Network together with two experts met today with European Commission Executive Vice President Frans Timmermans to discuss the need to make food systems in Europe more sustainable.

During the exchange, the findings and recommendations of the EEAC Position Paper ‘Towards a sustainable food system’ were discussed, and the position paper was presented to the Commissioner.

A consortium of advisory councils and their members worked together during the recent past to formulate the position paper, which aims to feed the debate on sustainable food systems and contribute to the creation of a legislative framework for a sustainable food system at EU level.

Read the EEAC Position Paper ‘Towards a sustainable food system a position paper on the framework law’ here


An EEAC Network Position Paper: EU Framework law should ensure a sustainable food system and redirect innovation

The European food system does not deliver sustainable diets, with low environmental impacts which contribute to food and nutrition security and to a healthy life for present and future generations. To make the system more resilient, an EU Framework Law on Sustainable Food Systems should foster human and planetary health in a coherent and balanced approach between an agricultural supply policy, environmental policy and food (consumption) policy. A policy on a sustainable food system should direct the strong innovation capacity of actors away from ever lower food prices towards more sustainable farming, food processing and food consumption. However, a just transition is key:  to the extent that healthy diets are not affordable for consumers compensation should be given by changes in minimum wages, social security or income taxes. This advice is given by  a consortium of national advisory councils on environment and sustainable development, in an EEAC Network Position Paper on the framework law. Read More