Inspiring speech by H.E. President Michael D. Higgins addressing the 28th EEAC Annual Conference

The President of Ireland, H.E. Michael D Higgins addressed the 28th EEAC Annual Conference on October 29th 2020. The presidents speech, entitled ‘Delivering a Just Transtion for all’ touched upon the concept a just transition, public investment, embedding the lessons from COVID, and just recovery.

The President underlined that ‘ COVID-19 has resulted in huge suffering and tragedy around the globe, but it has occasioned a near-widespread agreement on the necessity of public spending, and of a fundamentally new, socially, economically and ecologically sustainable, future. For us in Ireland, the NESC report is surely an invaluable departure point for deliberative dialogue on how we can best do this with the most favourable outcome for all. It offers a solid framework for ongoing discussion, but also the necessary action that can garner public support from all concerned’

The President’s speech can be seen through this link. If you prefer a written version, please click here.