The energy transition in the context of geopolitical developments

Geopolitical developments have changed the dynamics between the winding down of old energy systems and the building up of new ones. Developments around the world mean that the pace of  phasing out of old energy systems is increasingly influenced by the issue of energy security. As a result, the energy transition is now being driven by climate ambitions and the desire to continue to guarantee energy security with reduced dependence on countries outside the EU. This expected push for an enhanced energy transition or adjustments in direction comes with challenges

In this context the EEAC Working Group on Climate Change and Energy organized an internal policy briefing. Two experts shared their insights with the members of the EEAC Network. André Faaij (Director of Science TNO Energy transition) zoomed in on the impacts of the current energy crisis and an effective response that accelerates the energy transition. Elisa Giannelli (Senior Policy Advisor, E3G) focused on the options Europe has to reduce dependency on third country fossil fuels, while safeguarding energy security and affordability.

In conclusions, both experts shared their views on the questions whether – low carbon – energy sources can fill the void of fossil fuels in our energy mix in the short (next 2,5 years) and mid ( 2,5 to 8 years) term without jeopardizing energy security or affordability? Read More

Save the date: EEAC Annual Conference 14-15 September 2022

This year, the EEAC Annual Conference – entitled: “The Critical Decade of Action: Mobilising Sustainability Transformation in Europe” will take place in Helsinki on September 14th and 15th 2022. The conference will be hosted by Finland’s three independent science panels, the Finnish Expert Panel for Sustainable Development, the Finnish Climate Change Panel and the Finnish Nature Panel.

The two-day conference brings together experts particularly from academia and government to discuss the next steps for facilitating the much-needed transformation in the critical decade of action. We will hear interesting keynote speeches and engage in sessions, including the following themes:

  • Medium-term actions needed against biodiversity crisis
  • Joining forces for sustainability transformation
  • Europe’s global responsibility in climate change

New podcast series: Sustainability Made in Europe

Today, the first episode of a new podcast series ”Sustainability Made in Europe: A Policy Podcast on Finance, Reporting & Governance” is launched on Spotify and Anchor. The new podcast series debates major dynamics at the EU-level and presents expert views and backgrounds.

The first episode

In the first of four episodes, high-level experts such as Sandrine Dixson-Declѐve, Co-President of the Club of Rome and Udo Bullmann, member of the European Parliament, contribute their knowledge and experience. With a mix of expert interviews and contextual background information, this episode will provide a multi-perspective view on the European Green Deal and the EU’s sustainability policy in general.

The next series of episodes

In the following three episodes, the interviews with experts from politics, academia and business will focus on the EU Taxonomy, the draft Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the recently published draft Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, which aims to ensure human rights and environmental protection along global value chains. The goal of the podcast series is to make complex sustainability issues accessible to a broad audience while also providing in-depth expert knowledge.


The issues of sustainable finance, reporting and corporate governance are getting more and more attention in the European Union. Several regulatory initiatives have been published and have sometimes led to fierce debate. The new podcast series titled Sustainability Made in Europe: A Policy Podcast on Finance, Reporting & Governance picks up on these debates at the EU-level on various sustainability topics. Experts from academia, business and politics provide valuable insights into the most important legislative initiatives. The podcast series is a joint project of the Belgian (FRDO-CFDD) and German (RNE) Councils for Sustainable Development under the umbrella of the European Environment and Sustainable Development Advisory Councils Network (EEAC), implemented and hosted by Colin Bien from Masters of Change.

Inter-council exchange on Planetary Health

Colleagues from five advisory councils e-met on March 16 for a collegial exchange on the topic of Planetary Health and adjacent concepts. They informed each other about their ongoing work and discussed, among others, the relationship between the concept of Planetary Health and sustainable development, the integration of ‘environmental health’ in sectoral policies, as well as Planetary Health as a scientific concept and the challenge of mainstreaming the concept of Planetary Health in policymaking. Colleagues further discussed possible synergies in their work and discussed possible next steps in exchanges among councils and between councils and external experts. Read More