EEAC Network welcomes its newly elected board

The Annual Plenary Session (APS) of the EEAC Network (re-)elected five board members on October 30th 2020.

The APS elects a board to facilitate the functioning of the network. The board consists of a Chair (Mr. Arnau Queralt Bassa), Vice Chairs (Prof. Dr. Miranda Schreurs and Dr. António Abreu), Secretary (Prof. Dr. Eeva Furman) and Treasurer (Dr. Ron Hillebrand).

The board will start its work in the weeks to come, and will present the EEAC Annual Plan 2021 in due course. For more information click here

Inspiring speech by H.E. President Michael D. Higgins addressing the 28th EEAC Annual Conference

The President of Ireland, H.E. Michael D Higgins addressed the 28th EEAC Annual Conference on October 29th 2020. The presidents speech, entitled ‘Delivering a Just Transtion for all’ touched upon the concept a just transition, public investment, embedding the lessons from COVID, and just recovery.

The President underlined that ‘ COVID-19 has resulted in huge suffering and tragedy around the globe, but it has occasioned a near-widespread agreement on the necessity of public spending, and of a fundamentally new, socially, economically and ecologically sustainable, future. For us in Ireland, the NESC report is surely an invaluable departure point for deliberative dialogue on how we can best do this with the most favourable outcome for all. It offers a solid framework for ongoing discussion, but also the necessary action that can garner public support from all concerned’

The President’s speech can be seen through this link. If you prefer a written version, please click here.

28th EEAC Annual Conference

Over three days from Tuesday 27th October to Thursday 29th October, a diverse mix of experts, academics, councils and policy makers  contributed to the 28th EEAC Annual Conference.

Ireland and the European Union are committed to the transformation to a sustainable, inclusive, thriving net zero economy and society.  This conference focused on how the principles of justice, fairness, equality and equity of a just transition can act as a lever and guide to shape policies and practices to deliver the transformation.  NESC’s recent work on just transition and employment vulnerability  was a valuable input to the days.

What was discussed?

The conference provided a forum for Irish and European colleagues to share perspectives, experiences and practices and develop a common understanding and concrete strategies for making progress. The conference shed light on how other countries are managing the transition process, with special attention paid to managing the impacts of climate policy that might disproportionately impact specific groups in society.

A conference outcome document will be provided in due time. Stay tuned

Latest position paper: No sustainable financial planning means no green future for Europe

In its position paper the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE) declared that the package of measures put forward by the European Council in July, with its 30% climate target and the financial assistance for those states and sectors hit especially hard by the corona virus crisis, contains many elements worthy of support. The RNE thus welcomes the proposal from heads of state and government as a sound basis for discussion. However, in the course of negotiations with the member states in the European Parliament further, improvements must be achieved.

In its position paper , the RNE recommends, among other things, that:

  • The guiding compass to follow be that of sustainability, in particular the landmark announcements from Commission President Ursula von der Leyen regarding the European Green Deal and climate protection,
  • The New Generation EU recovery fund be implemented swiftly, and;
  • That the currently insufficient allocation of monies to international cooperation within the multiannual financial framework (MFF) be increased.

The RNE further welcomes the EU summit supporting the allocation of additional EU funds for sustainability-related topics, such as for expanding EU emissions trading. Own monies for non-recycled plastic waste as well as a digital tax and a carbon border tax are planned. These funds can, however, only be allocated if all members states give their approval. Read More 


Latest publications: The Annual Review

As set out in the Climate Action and Low Carbon Development Act 2015, a key task of the Climate Change Advisory Council in Ireland is to conduct an annual review of progress made over the previous year in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and furthering the transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient and sustainable economy and society by 2050. This is the Climate Change Advisory Council’s fourth Annual Review of progress on transition. Read More

New articles on Covid-19 & Sustainable Development

During the European Sustainable Development Week and Global Goals Week in September, EEAC member councils organized a variety of activities. Among others, a series of interesting articles was published that focused on the relation between the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic and the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

With a co-authored editorial by EEAC Chairman Arnau Queralt, and two articles by EEAC members and partners (Eeva Furman, Chair of the Expert Panel for Sustainable Development in Finland + Sandrine Dixon Decléve, Vice Chair Club of Rome, Elise Buckle,  Founder and President of Climate & Sustainability) an interesting light is shed on how systemic transformation for people, planet and prosperity might help us to emerge from emergency and how the Covid-19 pandemic is a test case to deal with broader sustainability deficiencies.

The articles were published in the IDEES Magazine. IDEES is the online magazine on contemporary issues edited by the Centre for Contemporary Studies an in-house think tank of the Government of Catalonia.

Letter on the promotion of international rail passenger transport endorsed by fellow advisory councils

Together with four other governmental advisory councils on sustainability and the environment, the Dutch Council on the Environment and Infrastructure (Rli) has written a letter to the European Commission on the promotion of international rail passenger transport. In recent months, an additional four advisory councils (from Ireland, Portugal, Germany and Hungary) have expressed their support and endorsed the letter. The letter and the list of endorsements can be found here

The latest contribution on a Green Recovery

Early August, The Dutch Council for the Environment and Infrastructure (Rli) published it’s advisory letter entitled ‘Green Recovery’. In this letter the Council discusses the concurrence of economic recovery policy and the transition towards a sustainable society, which will have an important impact on the choices to be made. Among others things, the Council argues in favour of a green recovery from the corona crisis, in which economy, employment and a sustainable physical environment go hand in hand. According to the Council, increasing the sustainability of the economy and physical environment is, as yet, not adequately incorporated into considerations about economic recovery policy. Furthermore, the Council offers an assessment framework that can help policymakers and political parties in designing green recovery policy, when drafting election manifestos or drawing up the next Coalition Agreement. The Council also presented numerous concrete suggestions for green recovery measures.

This advisory letter by the Dutch Rli, is one of many contributions made by advisory bodies on the Covid-19 crisis and the issue of a Green Recovery. For the other publications visit the EEAC Network’s special Covid-19 & Green Recovery page.

Latest publication: Using the CO2 budget to meet the Paris climate targets

In this chapter of the Environmental Report 2020, the German Advisory Council on the Environment (SRU) exemplifies how the temperature goals of the Paris Agreement can be translated into a national CO2 budget that can serve as a yardstick for future national climate policy.

In this chapter the SRU recommends that the Federal Government should set a German CO2 budget compatible with the Paris Agreement and tighten the climate targets accordingly. The budget should not replace existing targets, SRU argues, but shouldserve as an overarching basis for assessment. At the same time, it is urgently necessary to implement measures that will pave the way to climate neutrality, for example by accelerating the expansion of renewable energies.Only in this way can the use of fossil resources be quickly brought to an end. In order to keep within budget, progress on reductions must be regularly reviewed and measures must be continuously refined, the council stated in this chapter f the Environmental Report 2020. Read More

Arnau Queralt in the latest ESDN spotlight video

In the latest #ESDNspotlight, Arnau Queralt Bassa (Chairman of the EEAC Network) talks about the challenges and opportunities that governmental advisory bodies on climate change, environment and sustainable development face. Click here to see the ESDN’s spotlight video.